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Hello Friends!

My name is Saetha and I welcome you to this space.  I am a Woman, Witch, Warrioress, Wilderness Soloist, and Revolutionary Spirit who has walked into the fire many times.  I am a supporter of all who are on a path of healing, and specialize in helping people liberate themselves from the prison of Patriarchy.  

I have lived through many dealings with the white supremacist, cis-hetero patriarchal structure​ that is causing so much suffering and disconnection on this planet.  This distorted structure affects us all; our family constellations, our relationship with ourselves and others, our cultural, racial, and gender sovereignty, our physical, emotional and mental health, our legal rights, and above all our Earth's ability to thrive.  My experiences led me to a critical point where I recognized that my life was in danger, and that I must make a stand for my own healing in order to reach my full potential and soul's expression in this lifetime. 

I survived an embattled childhood with a mentally ill parent, whom I ultimately learned to create healthy boundaries with and to help constructively.  I healed myself from 14 years of bulimia, drug, and alcohol addiction, imprisonment, and a general descent into the Underworld of the human condition.  I learned to mother my full self, including the little girl and young woman who lived through these events. The transformation I have experienced in my life is a miracle to me! And I could not have done it alone.  Many magical humans appeared on my path to mentor and help me. And so I offer the gifts of medicine I have received along the way to you, if you are also a seeker of greater healing, on this lifelong journey as Students of the Mysteries together.  

I am a Creator Connector Witch.  I have skills that create Webs, Networks.  Actually we all have these skills.  It is our human birthright to create networks of support and mutuality.  This is what will aid us now in this revolution of healing.  We are remembering how to link together, to be in community together with the shared commitment to protect our Earth and establish equality for all beings.  I help connect women and all humans together to weave an irrigation system of empowerment so that once one of us is elevated, we can reach into the Web and offer support to one another, creating global networks.  This is our Revolutionary work now.  We are entering a time where our own successful interdependence and ability to create supportive infrastructure, from the most basic and practical level, all the way up to being the guides and protectors of our communities, is being asked of us.

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